
The Graduate Program in Environmental Education (PPGEA) aims at qualifying teachers-researchers capable of contributing to the production and dissemination of knowledge and its transformation in the field of Environmental Education in its multiple dimensions. Our major concern is the training of human resources in Environmental Education to all areas of knowledge. Currently, virtually all areas of knowledge developed at FURG have ties with Environmental Education, as already said above. The Program results from the creation of the Master’s Program, in 1994, and the Doctoral Program, in 2006. Based in an interdisciplinary perspective, the Program counts with the integration of teachers linked to different programs or course units that make up the new organizational structure of the Institution. It usually happens that teachers who work in different courses at the undergraduate level end up, as a consequence, showing an approach and a more critical incentive to students from different areas of knowledge that come to get involved in the area of Environmental Education. In parallel, this process results in the direct and indirect participation in activities developed and events promoted, and later they look at the Program (master’s and doctoral degrees) as an option for qualification at the graduate level. This movement of sensitization has been constituted in a positive trend in relation to our Graduate Program.

Disciplinas II Semestre 2022 - distribuição de salas de aula



 TE: Arte e Educação Estético-Ambiental (09357P), Profa. Luciana Dolci, segundas-feiras, 19h30min - 21h – sala 5207


 Ambientes e Aprendizagens (09408P), Prof. Gianpaolo Knoller Adomilli, terças-feiras, 10:00 - 12:00 – sala 5206

 Educação Ambiental e Sociabilidade Capitalista (09447P), Profa. Alana Pedruzzi, terças-feiras, 18:00 - 20:00 – sala 5206


 As relações de Pertencimento na constituição de educadores ambientais (09325P), Profa. Cláudia Cousin, quartas-feiras, 17:00 - 19:00 – sala 5207

 Abordagem Ecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano (09076P), Profas. Narjara Mendes Garcia (PPGEA) e Ângela Bersch (PPGEdu), quartas-feiras, 19h - 21h30min – sala 5206


 Trabalho, Reprodução e Educação Ambiental (09446P), Profa. Tamires Podewils, quintas-feiras, 16:00 - 18:00 - 5203

 Ética (09005P), Profa. Simone Grohs Freire, quintas-feiras, 19h - 21h – sala 5207


 Leituras de Paulo Freire II (09178P), Prof. Luís Fernando Minasi, sextas-feiras, 8:30 - 12 horas – sala 5203

 Disciplina Concentrada

 Princípios da Educação Ambiental (9098P), Profa. Vanessa Caporlingua, disciplina concentrada, de 03 a 28/10 – sala 5201 (início em 03/10)