Research Groups

Group leader


Prof. Carlos Roberto da Silva Machado

Policy, Nature and City Research Group  

Profª Cláudia da Silva Cousin

Interdisciplinary Circle of Research in Education and Environment (CIPEA)

Profª Cleuza Maria Sobral Dias

Culture, Educational Practice and Teacher Training

 Profª Dione Iara Silveira Kitzmann

Environmental Education in Management Processes

Profª Elisabeth Brandão Schmidt Learning Communities in Environmental Education, Science and Mathematics (CEAMECIM)
Prof. Gianpaolo Knoller Adomilli Nucleus of Studies on Coastal Populations and Traditional Knowledge (NECO)
Prof. Humberto Calloni

Complexity Study and Research Group

Prof. José Vicente de Freitas

Group of Research and Studies in Environmental Education and Management, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Objectives in Coastal Areas (Ribombo)

 Profª Lúcia de Fátima S. de Anello

Environmental Education in Management Processes


Profª Luciana Netto Dolci


Center of Aesthetic-Environmental Research on Theatre in Education (NUPEATRO)

Prof. Luis Fernando Minasi

Marxism and Environmental Education


Profª Marta Regina Cesar-Vaz

Laboratory for the Study of Socio-Environmental Processes and Collective Health Production (Nursing Center) (LAMSA)


Profª Narjara Mendes Garcia


Grupo Interdisciplinar de Tecnologias Digitais, Gestão e Formação Aplicadas a Educação - INTERFACES

Childhood, Environment and Playfulness (Ecoinfances)


Profª Paula Correa Henning

Group of Studies Education, Culture, Environment and Philosophy

Policy, Nature and City Research Group  

Prof. Sérgio Botton Barcellos

Political Dynamics, State and Social Movements

Profª Simone Grohs Freire

Environmental Law and Education (GPDEA)

Profª Vanessa Hernandez Caporlingua

Environmental Law and Education (GPDEA)