
The Graduate Program in Environmental Education has several centers of research and extension, already structured and with the respective works already consolidated, providing not only support to the research developed in the scope of the Program, but also constituting itself in spaces of interaction and experiences to graduate and even undergraduate students. The mentioned laboratories and centers are related and characterized as follows:


1) Laboratory of Studies and Socio-Environmental Processes and Collective Health Production (LAMSA) - concerned with the production of health and primary environmental care. Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Marta Regina Cezar Vaz;

2) Centre for Environmental Education, Sciences and Mathematics (CEAMECIM) - coordinated by Prof. Dr. Paula Regina Costa Ribeiro and Prof. Dr. Débora Pereira Laurino. This Laboratory occupies a whole building equipped with didactic and audiovisual resources, and a collection of about 5,000 (five thousand) books, 3,000 (three thousand) journals, 200 (two hundred) films and 50 (fifty) slides;

3) Center of Studies and Research on Complexity – it brings together professors and graduate students from different departments of FURG, as well as teachers and students from the education networks of the municipality and the region, focused on study, research and extension from the debate and contributions that the paradigm of complexity brings with its multiple methodologies and approaches to reality. It provides an opportunity for integration marked by transdisciplinary sensitivity in continuing, critical and transforming education, as well as in the perspective of an inclusive and problematizing education, in which knowledge is realized in a mutual commitment to ethics and respect for life as a whole. Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Humberto Calloni, in collaboration with the group of researchers of complex thinking at UFRGS;

4) Center of Research on Politics, Nature and City – The research group, linked to IE/PPGEA, consists of different researchers involved in issues related to Environmental Sciences (Environmental Education, politics and teacher training). It is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Machado. It develops educational activities, research and extension related to the themes as well as promotes lectures, courses, guidelines and publications on the subject. In recent years it has expanded its relations with Cuban (Universidad de las Villas y Cienfuegos) and Uruguayan (Universidad de la República) researchers.